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Companies working on Sustainable Transport for UNSDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Sustainable transportation is crucial in realizing cities that are inclusive, safe, and resilient—directly relating to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. This goal focuses on the urgent development of sustainable urban transportation systems that are healthy for the environment and comfortable for urbanites. This is because, as urbanization escalates, cities across the world are today facing increasing traffic congestion, air pollution, and problematic socio-economic disparities created and nurtured by insufficient transport infrastructures.

Sustainable transport concerns the transition from the conventional systems of transportation that rely on fossil-based fuels to cleaner and better modes of transportation. This includes public transit, biking, walking, and new technologies like electric vehicles, shared mobility solutions, and smart transportation systems. As such, it gains prominence: sustainable transport will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, improve the quality of air, promote physical activity, and accessibility to all citizens in urban areas.

Many enterprises and start-ups are driving this movement through the innovation of new solutions for all these segments of urban transport. This not only makes an excellent contribution to sustainable urban movement but also offers undoubtedly qualitatively ideal models and learnings for other start-ups. In the present discussion, I analyze certain principal companies in sustainable transport, featuring their approach, technologies, and impacts within the domain.

1. MaaS Global

Founder: Sampo Hietanen

Founded In: 2015

Location: Helsinki, Finland

MaaS Global has led this concept of Mobility-as-a-Service by storm, introducing a full-fledged Whim platform that assimilates various modes of urban mobility throughout a unique service.

Integrating Multiple Transport Modes

Whim is a seamless travel service that provides all public transportation services, ridesharing, car rental, and bike-sharing services in one application. This integrated service in mobility would really bring the car ownership dependency down and increase the number of using sustainable modes of transportation. For example, in Helsinki, a user can book a journey that compiles taking a tram, switching to a shared bike, and renting an electric car to finalize a route - all on one single platform.

Impact on Sustainability

This is achieved directly because MaaS Global's platform introduces shared and public transport. The single point mobility solution that Whim provides opens ways for the residents by bringing greener options to move from one place to another, thereby making the city environmentally friendly. The results in the increased use of public transportation in Helsinki with the adoption of Whim reflect a positive tendency toward more sustainable urban mobility.

Technology and Personalization

The personalization of travel by MaaS Global considers enabling and strengthening the attraction to sustainable transport based on user preferences and habits by considering most suitable and efficient routes for travel considering the environment and enabling back-office interaction through AI and machine learning.

Community and Economic Benefits

Beyond environmental benefits, MaaS Global's approach promotes economic savings for users by reducing the cost of travel compared to owning a private vehicle. The service also supports local businesses by integrating with local transport services and creating job opportunities in the mobility sector.

2. Via Transportation

Founder: Daniel Ramot, Oren Shoval

Founded In: 2012

Location: New York, USA

Via Transportation specializes in on-demand transit solutions that enhance urban mobility through efficient, shared transportation services.

Efficient Shared Rides

Via's platform allows for real-time, on-demand shared rides: route optimization means reduced detours and increased efficiency. This model cuts the number of single-occupancy vehicles, directly addressing urban congestion and emissions. In New York, for example, thousands of single-occupancy passengers have been exchanged within the context of shared Via rides, facilitating huge reductions in traffic and pollution.

Public Transit Partnerships

Via partners with cities and transit agencies to integrate its services with existing public transport systems, thereby enhancing first and last mile connectivity in public transit. For instance, Via has integrated with the Los Angeles Metro so that residents can book shared rides from and to metro stations, making the life of residents more attractive and effective in daily urban mobility.

Advanced Technology

Via leverages advanced algorithms to manage the service ride-sharing routes on-demand to ensure on-time service through efficient means, even at peak hours. In this regard, the technology adapts in real-time to traffic conditions and passenger demand, ensuring a reliable transport solution that supplements the traditional way of public commuting.

Sustainability and Reach

Via works in many cities across the world—big cities that operate in this shared fleet on-demand include Chicago, Berlin, and London. They have successfully lowered inner-city traffic jams and also consequently reduced their emissions, proving that on-demand shared services work well with sustainable urban mobility.

3. Moovit

Founder: Nir Erez, Roy Bick, Yaron Evron

Founded In: 2012

Location: Ness Ziona, Israel

Moovit is one of the leading examples of MaaS solutions and with an application, that can define urban traveling in a very simple way by aggregating several modes of public and common use.

Comprehensive Travel Planning

The Moovit app offers real-time data for the bus, train, subway, ride-sharing, and bike-sharing so that the travel is pre-planned to get the best and shortest possible route to reach the destination. The app encourages the use of public or shared transportation through its utilization by bringing together absolutely every mode to provide alternatives to its users. The app is used in cities such as Sao Paulo by millions of users, which makes it a vital tool for encouraging a sustainable travel behavior change.

Real-Time Data Utilization

The app uses real-time data to provide accurate transit schedules, delays, and optimal routes. This feature improves the reliability of public transport, making it a more attractive option for urban residents. Moovit's real-time updates have notably improved punctuality and user satisfaction in cities like Madrid and Paris, where public transport systems can be complex.

Environmental and Social Impact

By making transit more accessible and user-friendly, it helps reduce the number of cars on the road, thus cutting down on emissions and traffic congestion. This will also help in the promotion of social equity by making complete transit information available to communities less fortunate, whereby overall, every person will have access to the same sets of reliable and affordable options.

Global Reach

It is in 3200+ cities across 106 countries and serves millions of users; hence, its extensive spread and adoption prove that this application is very effective regarding the improvement of urban mobility and popularization of sustainable transport on a global scale.

4. Lime

Founder: Brad Bao, Toby Sun

Founded In: 2017

Location: San Francisco, California, USA

This is one of the major operators of electric scooter and bike-sharing micro-mobility solutions that supplement traditional forms of urban environmental transport.

Micro-Mobility Solutions

Lime provides a fleet of electric scooters and bikes for short distances within cities. It is easy for a client to locate and easily rent any of the vehicles from Lime through a mobile application. Lime solutions have already become a daily transport and errand instrument to people in cities, such as Paris and San Francisco.

Reducing Emissions and Traffic

Lime reduces urban emissions and traffic congestion by encouraging the use of electric scooters and bikes. Their electric vehicles do not produce any tailpipe emission thus ensuring there is clean air in most neighborhoods. A case example of Lime improving local air quality and reducing vehicular traffic is in the city of Los Angeles.

Technological Integration

Lime's app even delivers real-time information on vehicle locations and respective battery levels, an inn sync way of offering service to the user. The company applies effective fleet management methods with the help of GPS and IoT technologies in dynamic redeployment of vehicle distribution and optimal maintenance.

Community Engagement

Lime collaborates with local governments and communities on ways of safe and sustainable transportation modes. They organize safety workshops, distribute helmets, and engage in public awareness campaigns. Their community initiatives have successfully helped Lime integrate its services within the cityscape, resulting in increased electric micro-mobility adoption in other cities like Berlin and Austin.

5. Zipcar

Founder: Antje Danielson, Robin Chase

Founded In: 2000

Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Zipcar enters as an early entrant in the car-share service industry. Zipcar provides a new way to look at personal transportation within the city, not concentrating on taking cars from New Yorkers.

Flexible Car-Sharing

Zipcar has offered people a fleet of cars they can borrow on an hourly or daily basis in place of having to buy their own vehicles, which both saves money and means a better contribution to reducing humanity's carbon footprint. In doing so, a lesser number of privately owned cars would populate the streets, consequently reducing the traffic jams and pollution caused by vehicles. In some areas, such as New York and Boston, the reductions have meant some number of the vehicles have been eliminated, easing overall congestion at parking facilities and gently lessening urban pollution.

Environmental Benefits

Car-sharing will lead to more efficient using of cars the company's information reveals that less number of cars will lead to causing decreased greenhouse emissions. The number of privately owned cars that a Zipcar can displace is as many as 13. This is a significant advantage to sustainable urban development.

Technological Innovations

Zipcar's platform is technologically powered to make car sharing simple in many ways. Their app helps to locate a car, reserve it, and unlock it. Zipcar also engages in optimal car deployment using data analytics.

Community and Economic Impact

Zipcar partners with local businesses, universities, and municipalities to expand access to car-sharing services. This collaboration supports local economies by reducing transportation costs and providing flexible mobility options. Zipcar’s presence in urban areas also promotes economic inclusivity by offering affordable transport alternatives to low-income residents.

6. TransLoc

Founder: Josh WhitonFounded In: 2004Location: Durham, North Carolina, USA

TransLoc provides innovative solutions to enhance public transportation systems, making them more efficient, accessible, and sustainable.

Advanced Transit Management

It provides real-time information which offers transit agencies a suite of tools in the form of route planning and passenger information systems. Besides, this software has optimized the efficiency of operations from the side of the public transit authorities, ensuring that buses and trains run by a timetable and are effectively used. It has for sure made public transit have a different texture in cities like Seattle and Raleigh by ensuring that people can rely on it and become satisfied coming to buses with the solutions provided by TransLoc.

Enhancing Public Transit Efficiency

TransLoc is involved in optimizing public transport service routes and schedules so as to minimize personal car use, emissions, and traffic. Its real-time tracking systems empower passenger informatization and hence make travel more attractive and lively. Travel turns to be a more predictable avenue due to its implementation in the public transit system of Boston. A majority of the locals are willing to use the public transport system for travel, even during the night hours.

Technological Innovations

TransLoc uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics to gather insights and improve transit. Agencies benefit from predictive analytics in making informed decisions about how to improve their services and change their routes.

Community Impact

TransLoc partners with public transit agencies, city governments, and community-based organizations to bring greater exposure to sustainable mobility. It works with public awareness programs and community action campaigns to bring partnerships that enhance the overall quality of transit in cities. A good example is Denver with high rates of this community engagement strategy that delivered stronger partnerships and improved public transport outcomes.

7. Ridecell

Founder: Aarjav Trivedi

Founded In: 2009

Location: San Francisco, California, USA

Ridecell delivers advanced mobility solutions for optimizing car-sharing, ride-sharing, and efficient management of autonomous fleet operations with the overall goal of making urban mobility efficient and sustainable.

Intelligent Fleet Management

Rich in features, integrated Ridecell platform with fleet management—real-time tracking, route optimization, and automated maintenance—ensures that operators of fleets cut costs and work smarter. In Madrid, the Ridecell platform has helped optimize car-sharing fleets, improving vehicle availability while reducing operational costs.

Promoting Shared Mobility

Ridecell supports the shift to shared mobility, primarily reducing the reliance on personally owned automobiles and, as a second-order effect, reducing urban emissions. They enable all modules of shared mobility, including car-sharing and sharing rides, through its platform. This enables modes of transport to be efficient and environmentally friendly. Ridecell shows evidence of impact through a post-research report from San Francisco, whereby using their platform, the number of single-occupancy motor vehicle trips decreased significantly, thereby implying a reduction in pollutants and congestion significantly.

Technological Integration

Ridecell deploys the use of AI, IoT, and machine learning into managing and optimizing mobility services. This platform provides predictive maintenance alerts and real-time data analytics that help achieve high vehicle uptime and user satisfaction.

Community and Environmental Impact

By supporting shared mobility, Ridecell helps decrease the number of vehicles on the road, leading to lower emissions and improved air quality. The company’s initiatives also create new economic opportunities by enabling flexible mobility solutions that cater to various user needs. Ridecell’s projects in urban centers like Austin have demonstrated substantial environmental and social benefits, making sustainable transport more accessible.

8. Bird

Founder: Travis VanderZanden

Founded In: 2017

Location: Santa Monica, California, USA

Bird is a leader in the electric scooter sharing industry, offering a new sustainable urban transportation idea of providing micro-mobility solutions.

Micro-Mobility Solutions

Bird's electric scooters pave the way for an effective alternative to urban travel over short distances, particularly friendly to the environment. The scooters are accessed through a mobile application and will ease the process of finding them to hire. Bird has deployed its fleet in many cities, including Los Angeles, Paris, and Tel Aviv, where they have become popular for daily commutes and short trips.

Reducing Urban Emissions

Bird's electric scooters reduce the number of fossil-fuel vehicles on the road for a more sustainable environment with reduced emissions and less traffic congestion. These scooters emit zero tailpipe emissions, which means better, cleaner air quality for cities. Bird's operations in San Francisco reportedly helped cut significant local air pollution and traffic congestion density.

Advanced Fleet Management

All this comes just to manage the fleet correctly—securing well-spread, properly maintained scooters throughout the city. The app also gives real-time information about the availability of the scooters and their battery status. All this sums up to a premium experience for the user.

Community Initiatives

Bird always promotes safe and sustainable transportation. Workshops are held and helmets are distributed to aware the safety along with engaging in promoting public awareness campaigns. Bird's community engagement efforts in places like Austin and Madrid have helped in the smooth integration of their services in the landscapes of urban transportation.

9. Scoot Networks

Founder: Michael Keating

Founded In: 2011

Location: San Francisco, California, USA

Scoot Networks — electric scooter and moped sharing services meant to reduce urban congestion and bring to life a greener city.

Electric Scooters and Mopeds

Scoot provides a variety of electric vehicles from scooters to mopeds that a user rents using an app on their mobile. With such a variety, it can facilitate short-distance rides and contribute to making the last mile covered much more sustainable compared to cars and taxis. Its services in various cities—for example, in San Francisco and Barcelona—have almost saved the cities from half of their traffic and pollution.

Sustainable Urban Transport

On the same note, with electric scooters, scoot encourages usage and reduces the number of gasoline-driven vehicles, therefore reducing the greenhouse gas emission and decongesting the streets, thus creating cleaner air. On top of that, the said electric fleet is also powered with renewable energy, further minimizing their environmental footprint.

Technology Integration

Information is easily accessible through the Scoot app as well; vehicles can be easily located, reserved, and unlocked. Data analytics makes the management of the fleet effective in maintaining the wide availability of vehicles and in an even distribution of them throughout the city.

Community Engagement

Scoot works closely with local governments and community organizations to promote sustainable transport practices. They're involved in several public awareness campaigns and work with city authorities to improve urban mobility infrastructures. The community initiatives by Scoot have been spoken about in cities like Milan and Santiago, where there has been a rapid wave of adoption for electric scooters and mopeds.

10. FlixBus

Founder: Jochen Engert, Daniel Krauss, André Schwämmlein

Founded In: 2013

Location: Munich, Germany

FlixBus is a cheap eco-friendly option for long-distance services by road as opposed to car driving and domestic flights.

Affordable and Eco-Friendly Travel

FlixBus is a low-priced intercity bus service that is also friendly to the environment. The company serves most of the largest cities in Europe and North America and offers an environmentally friendly choice over driving or traveling by airplane. In cities like Berlin and Paris, FlixBus has become synonymous with intercity traveling, as it has curtailed the number of cars on the highways and the resultant emissions.

Advanced Technology

FlixBus utilizes technology for route optimization and booking and staying real-time in travel. It has a superb Mobileapp which it uses for booking of tickets and activity management, like tracking of buses for support of customers.

Environmental Impact

FlixBus believes in reducing the carbon footprint of intercity travel by promoting bus travel. Buses are a very efficient way of getting people from place to place, so it's a low level of emissions for each traveler. This investment in sustainability is seen through FlixBus's modern and fuel-efficient fleet and research into alternative fuel options.

Community and Economic Benefits

FlixBus benefits local economies with cheap travel opportunities and job creation in the transportation sector. Because of its services that generate better connectivity between urban centers, it facilitates opportunities and services. Measured by its positive impact on cities such as Amsterdam and Vienna, FlixBus helps prove that sustainable long-distance travel can support even more resilient and inclusive urban mobility.

11. BlaBlaCar

Founder: Frédéric Mazzella, Francis Nappez, Nicolas Brusson

Founded In: 2006

Location: Paris, France

BlaBlaCar is the world's leading long-distance carpooling platform—sustainable and pocket-friendly, unlike traditional transportation.

Carpooling for Sustainability

Blablacar connects drivers who have free spots with passengers heading in the same way who require a lift, enabling a shared experience and lessening the number of cars on the road, since there are few drivers and, consequently, emissions will be reduced. Their platform is teaching people to use carpooling as a way of decongesting the roads, as well as reducing their carbon footprints. With blablacar, there has been a reduction in actual car ownership and, consequently, less pollution within the cities in terms of urban pollution.

Technological Advancements

The BlaBlaCar app provides the users with high-powered algorithms that connect the driver with the passenger based on his route requirements and their preferences. Some functionalities of the app include real-time tracking, secure payment options, and user reviews to enable a safe and dependable experience to its carpooling members.

Community Building

BlaBlaCar has helped to generate a community feeling due to the social interaction and mutual trust between two parties. Since BlaBlaCars details its users' profiles on the platform, and users can be rated among each other, the level of trust between the driving party and passengers is increased. Since BlaBlaCar introduced this community feel in such cities as Brussels and Milan, the platform has inspired more people to use carpooling.

Global Reach and Impact

BlaBlaCar is present in more than 22 countries and has millions of users across the world. The company has a huge social benefit in respect of sustainable transport: it reduces the number of cars, decreases emissions, and renders travel much more accessible and affordable. BlaBlaCar has proved that shared mobility is not only the answer to urban transport challenges but also a way of making cities more sustainable.

12. Ride Amigo

Founder: Erick VanWagenen

Founded In: 2007

Location: Brisbane, California, USA

They design software solutions that will support an organization's or community's program for the sustainability of commuting and green transportation management.

Sustainable Commuting Solutions

Ride Amigo helps organizations ideally manage and promote infrequent choices for commuting like carpooling, riding vans, biking, and public transport. Their tools will help employees more easily locate leap-friendly sedans and bolts for a variety of journeys, thereby undermining the continued enforcement of single-passenger-driven cars.

Technological Innovations

Amigo's software integrates with the systems of the businesses it looks to engage with in its transportation solution in order to provide end-to-end commuting solutions. The technology involves real-time trip planning, tracking, and incentives to promote sustainable commuting behavior, with efficiency and appeal built into sustainable commuting.

Environmental and Social Impact

By promoting sustainable commuting, Ride Amigo helps reduce the traffic jam and emission. Their platform supported the environmental goals by encouraging eco-friendly transport options. Moreover, the initiatives of Ride Amigo were better in making well employees for better productivity as they reduced the stress of commutation.

Community Engagement

Ride Amigo collaborates with businesses, universities, and local authorities in promoting sustainable commuting programs. They do the public knowing about the personal and even facilitate the supply of instructional resources to the group to effectively encourage people to implement sustainable transportation. The community efforts of Ride Amigo in cities, including Los Angeles and San Francisco, have assisted thousands working in sustainable commuting.


For UNSDG 11, sustainable transport will be necessary. The firms featured in this article are, hence, among the pioneers to deliver innovative solutions that will finally result in sustainable urban mobility.

By integrating different modes of mobility, capitalizing on advanced technologies, and promoting community engagement, these enterprises are making significant strides toward reducing traffic congestion, decreasing emissions, and improving the quality of urban life. So the teaching of these pioneers is, therefore, precious and will open the door for other new, resilient, and inclusive cities to rise from the adoption of similar models and technologies in the future.

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