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Businesses Reducing Violence for UNSDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

SDG 16 of the UN calls for the "promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, access to justice for all, and effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels." This goal is critical in establishing the enabling environment within which economic growth, human well-being, and social cohesion can thrive. Some of its key targets include significantly reducing all forms of violence, with all people having equal access to justice, and halting corruption and organized crime​. (UNEP - UN Environment Programme)​​ (WSA Global)​​ (UNDP Shop)​.

Businesses Reducing Violence for UNSDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Let's explore businesses and organisations working to reduce violence. Understand how their initiatives can help your start-up to do the same

Any startup interested in contributing to this effort needs to understand exactly how businesses can play a role in violence reduction and the promotion of peace. This paper attempts to underline organizations, particularly in India, working in these directions by acting as role models or prospective partners.

1. Prajwala

Founder: Sunitha Krishnan

Founded in: 1996

Location: Hyderabad, India

Prajwala is one of the first organizations working on the issues of human trafficking and sexual violence. The organization was initiated by Sunitha Krishnan, a survivor of sexual violence. This means Prajwala specializes in the rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration of the victim. So far, Prajwala rescued more than 22,000 women and children from the clutches of traffickers and gave them vocational training, legal aid, and counseling.

The strategies adopted by Prajwala, the organization reducing violence in all aspects. It has many protective homes that render psychological support and vocational training to the survivor to make their reintegration into society with dignity. Prajwala collaborates with the enforcement machinery in rescue operations and with legal experts in prosecution of the traffickers​.

Key Initiatives:

  1. Rescue Operations: Prajwala actively collaborates with enforcement machinery in conducting rescue missions of the trafficked.

  2. Rehabilitation Programs: The organization provides the survivors with counseling, medical treatment, and skills training to reclaim their lives.

  3. Legal Aid: Prajwala provides legal aid and ensures that justice is done to the victims and the perpetrators are prosecuted.

2. PeaceTech Lab

Founder: Sheldon Himelfarb

Founded in: 2015

Location: Washington D.C., USA

PeaceTech Lab uses technology to reduce violence and build peace. It was spun off as a non-profit from the United States Institute of Peace and focused on deployed uses of data, media, and technology in the reduction of violence. The tools and platforms in this organization developed to analyze social media data in order to predict and prevent violence. For example, its Hate Speech Tracker monitors and analyzes trends in hate speech in different languages across social media sites.

Notable Tools and Projects:

  1. Hate Speech Tracker: A tool for tracking and analyzing the use of hate speech online. It is developed to be able to anticipate outbreaks of violence.

  2. PeaceTech Accelerator: An initiative to support startups using technology in service of peace with mentorship and funding opportunities.

PeaceTech Lab's approach is informed by the conviction that technology can be a really effective means for facilitating peacebuilding processes. They work closely with local communities, governments, and other NGOs to come up with culturally relevant interventions.

3. Aangan Trust

Founder: Suparna Gupta

Founded in: 2002

Location: Mumbai, India

Aangan Trust is a civil society organization working toward the prevention of child abuse and exploitation in high-risk, marginalized communities. Founded by Suparna Gupta, it trains local volunteers to advocate child protection in areas where children are most vulnerable to trafficking, child labor, and other forms of exploitation with community-based solutions that involve local stakeholders.

Programs and Impact:

  1. Chauraha Program: This is an intervention aimed at adolescent boys, which includes imparting life skills training and safe spaces for protection from being drawn into violence or criminal activities.

  2. Mitr Program: Training women and community members in sussing out child abuse cases and reporting them promptly for timely intervention and support.

The community-based approach of Aangan Trust enables the locals to take responsibility for the protection of children; it is, therefore, a more sustainable and culturally sensitive way of decreasing violence​.

4. Oxfam India

Founded in: 2008 (part of the global Oxfam network)

Location: New Delhi, India

Oxfam India is the Indian chapter of the global Oxfam and is involved at length in a number of social issues, of which violence against women is one. The program of reducing violence against women and girls under the banner of 'Creating Spaces' is executed by the organization in six Indian states. Changing social norms, legal aid, and supporting survivors have been identified as major areas under which community-based interventions would be carried out.

Key Areas of Work:

  1. Legal Aid: Providing legal aid to survivors of domestic violence and other forms of gender-based violence.

  2. Community Awareness: Workshops and awareness campaigns in changing societal attitudes towards gender-based violence.

  3. Policy Advocacy: Engaging with policy makers on making and implementing laws that protect women's rights.

Oxfam India works at the level of communities, legal systems, and government bodies to bring an environment where women and girls can live freely from violence.

5. Breakthrough Trust

Founder: Dr. Ranjana Kumari

Founded in: 1999

Location: New Delhi, India

Breakthrough Trust is an innovative organization committed to ending violence against women and girls through shifting social norms. Founded by Dr. Ranjana Kumari, Breakthrough produces multimedia campaigns and organizes community mobilization efforts while training youth on domestic violence, sexual harassment, and early marriage. Their campaign "Bell Bajao" gained international recognition for encouraging men to take a stand against domestic violence by simply ringing the bell at a neighbor's house when they suspect violence.

Initiatives and Impact:

  1. Bell Bajao Campaign: This campaign leverages the media to engage men and boys in ending domestic violence.

  2. Community Mobilization: Breakthrough works at the level of rural and urban communities to change attitudes and behaviors through workshops and community theater.

  3. Youth Programs: It trains young people as leaders and advocates for gender equality and prevention of violence.

This holistic approach towards the Breakthrough entails that it goes down to the root causes of violence. They reach out to communities directly and shift societal norms​.

6. SafeCity

Founder: ElsaMarie D’Silva

Founded in: 2012

Location: Mumbai, India

SafeCity is a crowdsourcing platform for documenting sexual harassment and abuse in public spaces, based on anonymous reporting. It was founded by ElsaMarie D'Silva. Using data to pinpoint violence hotspots, SafeCity works with local authorities and communities in a bid to fix the problem. It empowers women to speak out and provides actionable data to make cities safer.

Programs and Tools:

  1. Crowd-Mapping Platform: Provides anonymity in reporting on sexual harassment for mapping unsafe areas.

  2. Community Workshops: Educate communities on how to use data to advocate for safer spaces.

  3. Policy Advocacy: Assist local governments in effecting change with the help of insights from data.

SafeCity's brilliant mobilization of technology empowers women to share their experiences and fuels systemic change by delivering evidence-based solutions to problems with public safety​.

7. International Justice Mission (IJM)

Founder: Gary Haugen

Founded in: 1997

Location: Washington D.C., USA (Global Operations)

IJM is an international organization protecting the poor from violence in the developing world. Founded by Gary Haugen, the field operations are done in collaboration with local authorities in enforcing laws protecting the poor from human trafficking, forced labor, and other forms of violence; they work to strengthen justice systems to ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice, and abuse is prevented.

Key Activities:

  1. Rescue Operations: Partnering with local authorities in rescue operations to ensure victims' safety.

  2. Justice System Strengthening: Training of local law enforcement and judicial officials for effective handling of cases of violence and exploitation.

  3. Survivor Rehabilitation: Aftercare and support to survivors for rebuilding life.


IJM's comprehensive model focuses not only on immediate rescue but also on sustainable changes within local justice systems to protect vulnerable populations

8. My Choices Foundation

Founder: Elca Grobler

Founded in: 2012

Location: Hyderabad, India

My Choices Foundation is a solution to domestic violence and sex trafficking in India, combining two of the most difficult changes—grassroots efforts and high-tech solutions. Founder Elca Grobler runs her organization through two major programs: Operation PeaceMaker and Operation Red Alert. Operation PeaceMaker deals with the prevention of domestic violence, while Operation Red Alert deals with the abolition of sex trafficking.

Programs and Impact:

  1. Operation PeaceMaker: Provides legal aid, counseling, and community education on the prevention of domestic violence.

  2. Operation Red Alert: Utilizes technology in tracing and fighting sex trafficking networks, raising community awareness to the dangers of trafficking.

The two-fold focus of My Choices Foundation on prevention and intervention enables them to work hand in hand on the immediate needs of survivors while working toward the eradication of the root causes of violence​.

9. Enfold Proactive Health Trust

Founder: Dr. Shaibya Saldanha and Dr. Sangeeta Saksena

Founded in: 2001

Location: Bangalore, India

Enfold Proactive Health Trust works towards making safe environments for children and adolescents. Conceived by Dr. Shaibya Saldanha and Dr. Sangeeta Saksena, Enfold works toward the prevention of child sexual abuse through education, advocacy, and policy reform. They train teachers, parents, and children on recognizing and preventing abuse.

Key Programs:

  1. Personal Safety Education: Teaching personal safety and the rights of children to children.

  2. Training for Adults: Training of teachers, parents, and caretakers to identify and respond to signs of abuse.

  3. Policy Advocacy: Working with government institutions in designing and executing policies for the protection of children.

With its proactive approach, Enfold ensures children and those who care for them are informed and empowered in prevention of abuse, creating a safer environment for young people​

10. Shakti Vahini

Founder: Ravi Kant

Founded in: 2001

Location: New Delhi, India

Shakti Vahini is involved in the fight against human trafficking, honor crimes, and gender-based violence. The organization was founded by Ravi Kant, and it deals with rescue and rehabilitation of the victims, rendering legal assistance, and advocating for stronger laws and policies. They collaborate with law enforcement agencies and other NGOs to create a network of support for victims.

Programs and Impact:

  1. Anti-Human Trafficking Units: Worked with police for the rescue of trafficking victims and prosecuted traffickers.

  2. Legal Aid and Advocacy: Providing legal support to victims and advocating for better implementation of existing laws.

  3. Awareness Campaigns: Conducting awareness campaigns on the prevention of trafficking and honor crimes within vulnerable communities.

Combining immediate rescue efforts with long-term advocacy and education, Shakti Vahini embarks on an integrated approach to ensure sustainable change.


These organizations demonstrate many of the different ways through which business and nonprofits can help to accomplish SDG 16. It could be through technology, community engagement, legal support, or even directly intervening; there are a million ways startups can help to reduce violence and promote peace. For would-be entrepreneurs, these examples may serve as inspiration and a guide for how to develop creative solutions to some of society's most pressing challenges.


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