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Best Funding Options for Startups in Goa - Accelerators, VCs, Grants and more!


The real challenge in any startup is securing funding. From accelerators to venture capitalists and government grants, there are immense opportunities for funding within this vibrant startup ecosystem in Goa. Whether you're a tech startup or an innovative enterprise in another sector, Goa is the place that's going to help you nurse that thought till it serves its purpose.

Type: Accelerator

Founder: Varun Chawla, Aditya Rao

Cheque Size: Up to INR 25 lakhs in pre-seed funding per startup

build3 Impact Accelerator (i.e. us!) focuses on early-stage startups that aim to create positive impact (profit with purpose) for people and the planet. The accelerator offers a comprehensive program designed to support founders in building successful, long-lasting companies across various fields in impact. The emphasis is on sustainability and social impact, providing startups with the tools they need to make a difference in the world​.

a. Training and Mentorship

build3 provides extensive training and mentorship to help startups at various stages of development. This includes guidance on refining concepts, team building, and initial market validation. For startups with a product but still fine-tuning their market fit, build3 offers support in scaling, customer acquisition, and preparation for significant funding rounds.

Steps to Leverage Mentorship:

  • Engage Actively: Participate in all mentoring sessions and workshops to gain insights and feedback.

  • Set Clear Goals: Define specific objectives and milestones for your startup, aligning them with the guidance provided.

  • Follow Up: Regularly update mentors on your progress and seek their advice on overcoming challenges.

b. Community Startup Building

Entrepreneurs selected for the accelerator program will spend 12 weeks living and working with a startup community in Goa. The overall immersive experience allows for collaboration and networking with founders, peers, and industry experts. Events oriented toward startups in the community also facilitate the various functions necessary to grow a start-up.

Community Benefits:

  • Collaboration via Community: Engage with other founders to share ideas and collaborate on projects.

  • Networking Events: Attend events and workshops to meet potential partners and investors.

  • Shared Resources: Access a wealth of shared resources and expertise within the community.

c. Access to Capital

For those startups looking for capital for scale their operations, build3 gives access to funding. The accelerator focuses on preparing the startup, ending with the opportunity of demo day where a startup can present their idea in front of the group of investors and also receive pre-seed capital​ (The Story Watch)​.

Securing Funding:

  • Pitch Preparation: Refine your pitch to clearly communicate your startup’s vision and impact potential.

  • Investor Alignment: Identify investors who share your values and goals, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship.

  • Continuous Learning: Use feedback from investors to improve your pitch and business model.

d. Application Process

The application process for Build3 Impact Accelerator involves multiple stages to assess compatibility, capability, and commitment. Startups go through an evaluation process considering factors such as founder passion, long-term business intent, and understanding of unit economics. Selected participants spend 12 weeks in the accelerator program, culminating in a demo day where they can secure funding​ (The Story Watch)​.

Application Tips:

  • Prepare Thoroughly: Ensure your application clearly outlines your startup’s mission, goals, and impact potential.

  • Show Commitment: Demonstrate your dedication to the startup journey and your willingness to learn and grow.

  • Be Authentic: Present your startup’s story authentically, highlighting its unique strengths and opportunities.

Type: Accelerator/Incubator

Founder: Supported by NITI Aayog

Cheque Size: Seed funding up to ₹10 lakhs

AIC-GIM provides comprehensive support to startups, including incubation, mentorship, and access to investors. Their focus spans multiple sectors, offering startups the tools needed to scale effectively. The center is dedicated to nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship in Goa​ (Business Goa)​​ (StartupTalky)​.

a. Sector-Specific Support

AIC-GIM extends sector-specific support to many sectors, notably Healthcare, Fintech, and Sustainable Energy. Their sector-specific approach enables them to guide and provide resources in a way that filters through to the concerned industries.

Industry Focus:

  • Healthcare: Support for startups developing innovative healthcare solutions.

  • Fintech: Assistance for financial technology startups aiming to disrupt traditional models.

  • Sustainable Energy: Resources for startups focused on renewable energy and sustainable practices.

b. Incubation Program

A relatively structured incubation program aimed at mentorship, office space, and connections with relevant industry experts and investors is available to accelerate growth and have them hit key milestones.

Incubation Benefits:

  • Mentorship Access: Gain insights from experienced mentors in your industry.

  • Resource Availability: Utilize office space and technological resources to develop your startup.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry experts and potential investors.

c. Funding and Investment

AIC-GIM helps their incubated startups secure some seed funding and attracts venture capitalists and angel investors towards their startups. They also help the startups pitch and present to such potential investors.

Investment Process:

  • Prepare a Strong Pitch: Focus on clarity, impact, and potential when presenting to investors.

  • Leverage Connections: Use the center’s network to access funding opportunities and strategic partners.

  • Demonstrate Value: Highlight your startup’s unique value proposition and potential for growth.

d. Workshops and Training

Different aspects of entrepreneurship, such as business planning and strategies on how to market your business, among others, are teachings that the incubation center periodically offers in the form of workshops and training. Designed to ensure that skills necessary for competition and survival are gained and nurtured, the focus is on:

Training Focus:

  • Business Planning: Develop comprehensive business plans and strategies for growth.

  • Marketing Strategies: Learn effective marketing techniques to reach your target audience.

  • Financial Management: Understand financial planning and management for sustainable growth.

Type: Incubator/Accelerator

Founder: Supported by the Government of Goa

Cheque Size: Seed funding up to ₹25 lakhs

FiiRE is dedicated to supporting technology-driven and sustainable startups. Their incubation program provides seed funding, access to industry experts, and co-working spaces, making it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs in Goa​ (Business Goa)​​ (Business Goa)​.

a. Sustainable Innovation

FiiRE aims to support sustainable innovation by funding and assisting startups that work towards developing eco-friendly solutions and technologies. Its programs encourage the startup space to navigate global challenges with innovative solutions.

Innovation Areas:

  • Eco-Friendly Products: Support for startups developing sustainable consumer goods.

  • Green Technologies: Resources for startups innovating in renewable energy and environmental conservation.

  • Social Impact: Encouragement for startups aiming to create positive societal impact.

b. Comprehensive Support

It offers a full-fledged incubation program with mentorship, funding, and infrastructure. Each incubated start-up would be facilitated with customized mentorship and resources that are necessary toward its growth and successful operation.

Support Elements:

  • Personalized Mentorship: One-on-one guidance from industry experts and experienced entrepreneurs.

  • Funding Opportunities: Access to seed funding and investment networks.

  • Infrastructure Support: Co-working spaces and technological resources for development.

c. Partnerships and Collaborations

FiiRE works closely with academic institutions, industry partners, and government bodies to create a host of opportunities for the startups with a network of resources. These collaborations enhance the support given to the startups and open doors to new markets.

Collaboration Benefits:

  • Academic Partnerships: Engage with universities for research and development support.

  • Industry Connections: Access to industry partners for collaboration and resource sharing.

  • Government Support: Leverage government programs and incentives for growth.

d. Events and Networking

FiiRE conducts events, hackathons, and networking sessions that bring great opportunity to share ideas and foster collaborations among startups. The events are the platform on which the startups are able to showcase their products in a bid to find potential investors.

Networking Opportunities:

  • Hackathons: Participate in innovation challenges to develop and test new ideas.

  • Startup Showcases: Present your products to a wider audience, including investors and industry leaders.

  • Knowledge Sharing: Attend seminars and workshops to learn from experts and peers.

4. BITS Pilani Goa Innovation and Incubation Center

Type: Incubator/Accelerator

Founder: BITS Pilani

Cheque Size: Seed funding up to ₹15 lakhs

The BITS Pilani Goa Innovation and Incubation Center is a full-fledged incubation center for technology-based startups. The incubator has a special focus on the incubation of early-stage startups with innovative solutions spanning across various sectors.

a. Academic Collaboration

The incubator leverages deep academic affiliations to offer leading-edge research and development infrastructure to the startups. It has further fostered collaboration between faculty members and students for developing deeper technological capabilities and improved base for innovation for Startups.

Collaboration Opportunities:

  • Research Access: Utilize university resources for advanced research and development.

  • Student Engagement: Collaborate with students on projects, gaining fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

  • Faculty Mentorship: Receive guidance from experienced faculty members with domain expertise.

b. Infrastructure and Resources

Being a startup at BITS Pilani, Goa, center-based start-ups will be provided with access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and resources. This would include office space, high-speed internet, and prototyping facilities. It provides a complete setup for innovation and growth.

Resource Benefits:

  • Prototyping Facilities: Access equipment and tools for product development and testing.

  • Office Space: Utilize modern workspaces designed to foster collaboration and productivity.

  • Technological Support: Leverage advanced technology resources to enhance your startup’s capabilities.

c. Networking and Industry Connections

The hub is connected to a large network of industries, investors, and alumni, and through this network, a way is paved in which opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and funding are accessed.

Networking Opportunities:

  • Industry Connections: Engage with professionals and experts across various industries for collaboration and mentorship.

  • Investor Access: Meet potential investors through networking events and pitch sessions.

  • Alumni Support: Leverage the extensive BITS alumni network for guidance and support.

d. Funding and Investment

The shortlisted startups are provided seed funding through the BITS Pilani Goa center to start functioning and to scale up operation in a more strategic and efficient way. It also helps to access venture capitalists and angel investors for further investment.

Funding Process:

  • Seed Funding: Secure initial funding to develop and refine your product or service.

  • Investment Connections: Access a network of investors interested in supporting innovative startups.

  • Growth Opportunities: Leverage funding to expand operations and enter new markets.

Type: Angel Network

Founder: Dr. Apoorv Ranjan Sharma, Anuj Golecha

Cheque Size: Typically invests between ₹2-5 crores

Venture Catalysts Goa is part of a national angel network aimed at seed and early stage funding across sectors. This network focuses on startups with high growth potential and innovative business models.

a. Investment Opportunities

Venture Catalysts provides investment to startups in technology, health, and consumer product space. They are interested in startups with a disruptive idea and a high propensity for growth.

Investment Criteria:

  • Innovation Potential: Evaluate startups based on their ability to innovate and disrupt existing markets.

  • Growth Prospects: Assess the startup’s potential for rapid growth and scalability.

  • Market Relevance: Consider the startup’s ability to address significant market needs and challenges.

b. Mentorship and Guidance

The network will mentor and offer strategic guidance to startups by molding their business models and strategies. The mentors assigned will be industry veterans with years of experience and diverse expertise in the field, thereby offering the startups valuable insights that are supportive to them.

Mentorship Benefits

  • Strategic Guidance: Receive advice on business strategy, operations, and market entry.

  • Industry Insights: Gain access to industry-specific knowledge and expertise.

  • Growth Support: Leverage mentorship to overcome challenges and accelerate growth.

c. Community and Networking

Venture Catalysts hosts regular networking events and workshops, connecting startups with potential investors, partners, and peers. These events provide valuable opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Community Engagement

  • Networking Events: Attend events to meet investors, mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs.

  • Collaborative Opportunities: Engage with peers to share ideas and explore collaboration possibilities.

  • Learning Workshops: Participate in workshops to enhance your skills and knowledge.

d. Funding Process

Startups can apply for funding through Venture Catalysts by submitting a detailed business plan and pitch. The network evaluates applications based on innovation, market potential, and scalability, selecting startups that align with their investment criteria.

Application Tips

  • Prepare a Strong Business Plan: Ensure your business plan clearly outlines your startup’s mission, goals, and growth strategy.

  • Highlight Innovation: Emphasize your startup’s unique value proposition and potential for market disruption.

  • Engage with Mentors: Seek feedback from mentors to refine your pitch and business model.

Type: Angel Network

Founder: Community initiative

Cheque Size: Varies based on startup needs and potential

The Goa Angel Network is an initiative being put into place to give a fillip to startups in Goa. Through this angel network, startups will be provided with seed funding and mentorship from seasoned angel investors with a zeal for innovation and entrepreneurship in the region in their blood.

a. Local Investment Focus

The network looks to invest in startups that either have a base or major operation in Goa. The intent is to provide momentum to the local startup ecosystem while acting as an economic growth driver for the region.

Investment Focus

  • Local Impact: Prioritize startups with the potential to create a positive impact in Goa.

  • Sector Diversity: Invest in a variety of sectors, including technology, tourism, and agriculture.

  • Community Support: Foster a supportive environment for startups to grow and succeed.

b. Mentorship and Support

Angel investors within the network act as mentors to provide strategic guidance in overcoming problems and hitting growth targets for startups. Mentors are either business entrepreneurs or people from relevant industries with experience upon whom they are able to draw valuable insights and guidance.

Support Benefits

  • Guidance: Receive strategic advice on business development and operations.

  • Problem Solving: Leverage mentor expertise to overcome challenges and obstacles.

  • Growth Planning: Develop strategies for scaling and expanding your startup.

c. Community Engagement

The Goa Angel Network organizes events and workshops, facilitating the process of collaboration and knowledge sharing among startups. Events at Goa Angel Network provide a platform for presentation of ideas and help the startups meet potential investors and collaborating partners.

Engagement Opportunities

  • Showcase Events: Present your startup to a wider audience, including investors and industry leaders.

  • Collaborative Workshops: Participate in workshops to enhance your skills and network with peers.

  • Peer Support: Engage with fellow entrepreneurs to share experiences and insights.

d. Application Process

Interested startups can apply to the Goa Angel Network for funding by sending in a business plan and pitch. Applications will be screened based on parameters like innovation, market potential, relevance and interplay with the focus sectors.

Application Tips

  • Clear Communication: Clearly articulate your startup’s mission and goals in your pitch.

  • Market Relevance: Highlight the market needs and challenges your startup addresses.

  • Investment Alignment: Ensure your startup aligns with the network’s investment focus and criteria.

Type: Government Support

Founder: Government of Goa

Cheque Size: Grants and funding up to ₹10 lakhs

Goa State Innovation Council provides a broad range of support for startups, which means funding, mentorship, and incubation. It has the main aim to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship in Goa. The council has been constituting for the same purposes of the means and resources for the startup company founding.

a. Government Grants and Incentives

GSInC offers a large number of grants and incentives to the Goa-based startups, and the critical ones among them are seed funding, reimbursement schemes, and subsidies on co-working spaces and infrastructure development.

Incentive Programs

  • Seed Funding: Provide initial funding to support startup development and growth.

  • Reimbursement Schemes: Offer financial assistance for expenses related to office space, infrastructure, and skill development.

  • Infrastructure Subsidies: Support startups in setting up and maintaining essential infrastructure.

b. Mentorship and Capacity Building

This council designs mentorship and capacity-building programs that inculcate the necessary skills and knowledge in a startup. The mentors are experienced professionals to guide the startup on strategy and operations and entry into new markets.

Capacity Building Benefits

  • Skill Development: Enhance your team’s skills through workshops and training sessions.

  • Mentor Access: Gain insights and advice from experienced mentors and industry experts.

  • Strategic Planning: Develop effective strategies for growth and market expansion.

c. Incubation and Support

GSInC provides incubation programs that encompass office space, resources, and opportunities for networking. The council acts in collaboration with native incubators and accelerators in order to ensure the provision of full services to every startup.

Incubation Benefits

  • Office Space: Access co-working spaces and facilities to support your operations.

  • Resource Access: Utilize resources and tools to enhance your startup’s capabilities.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other startups, investors, and industry leaders.

d. Application Process

Applicants seeking grants or support from GSInC need to apply with a proposal about the outline of the business, the objectives to be achieved, and the impact expected to be made. Proposals will be judged based on innovation, potential impact, and relevance to the regional development goals.

Application Tips

  • Prepare a Strong Proposal: Clearly outline your startup’s mission, objectives, and expected impact in your application.

  • Demonstrate Value: Highlight the unique value your startup brings to the market and the community.

  • Engage with Mentors: Seek feedback and guidance from mentors to strengthen your application.

8. National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI)

Type: Government Initiative

Founder: Department of Science & Technology, Government of India

Cheque Size: Up to ₹50 lakhs

NIDHI, a pan-India program, offers financial and incubation support to the startups from Goa and across the country. The program aims at promoting startups having innovative ideas/ concepts and shall have the potential for developing into a new or significantly improved product / service to help the betterment of society and possessing the potential for the same to get commercialized by the startup:

a. Seed Support

NIDHI offers some seed support to startups. This, in some clear way, is initial funding that could be used to try and get those products in a marketplace. The funding is very essential for any startup in the initial stages as it helps in the fine-tuning of ideas and tapping of the same in the market.

Seed Support Benefits

  • Product Development: Use the funding to develop and refine your product or service.

  • Market Entry: Leverage seed support to launch your startup and establish a foothold in the market.

  • R&D Support: Invest in research and development to enhance your startup’s offerings.

b. Incubation and Mentorship

This includes incubation where a cocooning support of innovative startups is provided through a pan-India collaboration of incubators. Startups stand to gain mentorship and resource access which will ultimately serve their growth and success in the competitive market.

Incubation Benefits

  • Mentorship Access: Gain insights and advice from experienced mentors and industry experts.

  • Resource Utilization: Leverage resources such as office space, prototyping facilities, and technological tools.

  • Network Building: Connect with other startups and industry professionals to foster collaboration and growth.

c. Capacity Building Programs

NIDHI offers capacity-building through programs that enable the startup team to increase their skill sets and become more competent in their work. Some of these programs may include different aspects of entrepreneurship, such as preparing a plan for business planning or a report on marketing or financial management.

Capacity Building Focus:

  • Skill Enhancement: Participate in workshops and training sessions to improve your team’s skills.

  • Business Planning: Develop effective business plans and strategies for growth and sustainability.

  • Financial Management: Learn financial planning and management techniques to ensure long-term success.

d. Application Process

Startups can apply for NIDHI support through the official portal of the program. The application procedure involves submission of an elaborate business plan and pitch, emphasizing the innovative attributes of the startup and its potential to make a difference in the market.

Application Tips

  • Prepare a Comprehensive Plan: Ensure your business plan covers all aspects of your startup, from product development to market entry.

  • Highlight Innovation: Emphasize the innovative aspects of your startup and its potential to address societal challenges.

  • Engage with Incubators: Collaborate with local incubators to strengthen your application and increase your chances of success.

Type: Incubator/Accelerator

Founder: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA)

Cheque Size: Varies based on startup needs

CIIE.CO, an IIMA initiative, offers a range of programs that support entrepreneurs and start-ups in Goa. It seeks to create value for the early-stage start-ups by way of incubation, mentoring, and funding opportunities. In this regard, CIIE.CO's vision will be facilitating innovation and entrepreneurship even in the region of Goa.

a. Comprehensive Support Programs

CIIE.CO offers a bouquet of programs to suit the requirements at different stages of startups. It includes pre-incubation, incubation, and acceleration programs that aid start-ups from the stage of ideation until scaling up.

Program Highlights:

  • Pre-Incubation: Support for idea validation and market research.

  • Incubation: Resources and mentorship for product development and market entry.

  • Acceleration: Assistance in scaling operations and securing additional funding.

b. Funding and Investment Opportunities

Startups can access funding through CIIE.CO's network of investors and partners. The incubator provides seed funding and helps startups connect with angel investors and venture capitalists.

Funding Benefits:

  • Seed Funding: Initial funding to support product development and market entry.

  • Investor Connections: Access to a network of investors for subsequent funding rounds.

  • Growth Capital: Opportunities to secure funding for scaling operations.

c. Networking and Mentorship

CIIE.CO offers extensive networking opportunities through events, workshops, and mentorship programs. Startups can engage with industry experts, mentors, and peers to gain insights and support.

Mentorship Benefits

  • Expert Guidance: Access to experienced mentors and industry professionals.

  • Peer Collaboration: Opportunities to collaborate with other startups and share knowledge.

  • Industry Insights: Insights into market trends and opportunities for growth.


Now, Goa is a start-up's land of opportunity, enjoying a perfect infusion of funding opportunities and the accompanying supporting ecosystem. From accelerators, incubators, community platforms, and government programs, everything is embedded there in helping entrepreneurs based in Goa get a feel of getting monies and growing their businesses. Whether you are starting up or growing your business, Goa will offer you a supportive environment towards innovation and entrepreneurship.

One can thus utilize these resources and engage the startup community in Goa to find his way through such challenges and raise funds to transform all ideas into reality.

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