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How to Increase AOV as a Startup

Updated: Sep 5

Picture this: You've worked hard to get customers to your website, and they're ready to buy.

But instead of just walking away with one item in their cart, what if they left with two, three, or even more? That’s the magic of Average Order Value (AOV).

AOV is one of those metrics that can quietly revolutionize your start-up's revenue. That too, without the hefty cost of acquiring new customers. It's the difference between a business that's just getting by and one that's truly thriving.

In this guide, we’re going to dive deep into AOV—what it is, why it’s so crucial, and, most importantly, how you can boost it.

How to Increase AOV as a Startup
I'll guide you on how to increase your AOV as a startup

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale, increasing your AOV is one of the smartest moves you can make. We’ll walk through practical strategies. These include optimizing your product mix and refining your marketing messaging. We will even cover fine-tuning the checkout process.

By the end of this guide, you'll have a toolkit of proven tactics. All which will get your customers spending more with every order. Thus, setting your startup on a path to sustainable growth.

1. Understanding AOV and Why It Matters for Your Startup


So, what's AOV? Average Order Value, or AOV, is the average amount of money your customers spend per transaction.

Imagine you run an online store, and your customers typically spend ₹1,000 each time they shop with you. That ₹1,000 is your AOV.

Importance of AOV

Now, why should you care about AOV? It’s simple: the higher your AOV, the more revenue you generate per customer, without needing to increase traffic to your site.

Instead of spending big bucks on acquiring new customers, you can focus on getting your existing customers to spend more each time they shop.

This is especially crucial for startups, where every rupee counts. Here, maximizing the value of each customer interaction can significantly impact your bottom line.

Impact on Bottom Line

Think of AOV as a lever for growth. By increasing it, you're directly boosting revenue. This revenue can be reinvested into marketing, product development, or other areas.

All this will help to further accelerate your startup's growth. It’s like squeezing more juice out of the same lemon—you don’t need more lemons, just a better way to extract more juice.

2. Tracking Your Current AOV Is The First Step to Improvement

Tracking AOV

Before you can improve your AOV, you need to know where you stand. This means getting a solid grip on your current numbers.

Calculating AOV is straightforward: just divide your total revenue by the number of orders over a specific period.

For example, if you earned ₹10 lakhs from 1,000 orders in a month, your AOV is ₹1,000.

Tools and Methods

But don't stop there. Use tools like Google Analytics, Shopify, or any e-commerce platform you’re using to dig deeper.

These platforms often provide built-in AOV reports. They also help in breaking down your AOV by different segments. These segments may be device type or traffic source.

Analyzing Data

Analyzing historical data helps you spot trends.

Are there certain times of the year when your AOV spikes? Does it dip during sales?

Identifying these patterns will be helpful. It will help you craft strategies tailored to your customers’ buying habits. This will make your AOV improvement efforts more precise and effective.

3. Segmenting Your Audience for Better AOV Insights

Audience Segmentation

Not all customers are created equal—some spend more, and some spend less. By segmenting your audience, you can gain insights into who your big spenders are and why they spend more.

Start by categorizing customers based on their spending patterns.

For instance, you might have high-AOV customers who regularly purchase premium products, while others might only buy during sales.

High-AOV Customers

Understanding the motivations of these high-AOV customers is key.

Are they looking for luxury, convenience, or something else?

Conduct surveys, analyze purchase histories, and look at customer feedback to build detailed personas. These personas will help you tailor your marketing and product strategies to different customer segments, ultimately driving up your AOV.

Customer Personas

By knowing your audience better, you can offer them what they value most, whether that’s premium options, exclusive bundles, or personalized recommendations—all of which can nudge them to spend more.

4. Optimizing Your Product Mix to Increase AOV

Product Mix

One of the most effective ways to boost your AOV is by optimizing your product mix. This means strategically curating and offering products that encourage customers to spend more per order.

Think of it as setting up your store so that customers naturally gravitate towards spending a little extra.

Bundling Products

Bundling is a classic strategy—offering a set of related products at a slightly lower price than if they were purchased individually.

For example, if you sell skincare products, bundling a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer together can tempt customers into buying the whole set instead of just one item.

Not only does this increase the perceived value, but it also drives up the AOV as customers are more likely to go for the bundle.


Cross-selling is another powerful tactic. This involves suggesting additional products that complement what the customer is already buying.

If someone is purchasing a smartphone, recommending a protective case or a pair of headphones can increase the total spend.

The key is to make these suggestions relevant and timely, so the customer feels like they're enhancing their purchase, not just spending more.

Premium Products

Lastly, offering premium versions of popular products can entice customers to spend more. People are often willing to pay extra for upgraded features, better quality, or exclusive designs.

Highlight the benefits of these premium options in your product descriptions and marketing materials to make them more appealing.

5. Personalizing the Shopping Experience


Personalization is all about making the shopping experience feel unique and tailored to each customer, which can significantly boost AOV. When customers feel like a store "gets" them, they’re more likely to spend more.

Data-Driven Recommendations

Using customer data to recommend relevant products is a smart way to personalize the experience. Platforms like Amazon are masters at this. They suggest products based on what you’ve bought before or what similar customers have purchased.

Implementing similar algorithms on your site can help you nudge customers toward adding more to their carts.

Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing is another personalization strategy. It is where prices are adjusted based on demand, customer behavior, or even time of day.

For instance, you might offer a discount on a frequently viewed product to encourage a purchase. You can also raise the price of a trending item to capitalize on its popularity.

The goal is to strike a balance that maximizes AOV while still making the customer feel like they’re getting a good deal.

Customized Offers

Customizing offers based on past behavior is a powerful tool. If a customer has previously purchased a particular brand or category, offering them a personalized discount or early access to new arrivals in that same category can drive them to spend more.

This tailored approach makes customers feel valued and understood, increasing their likelihood of making larger purchases.

6. Leveraging Discounts and Promotions Smartly

Discounts and Promotions

Discounts and promotions are a double-edged sword. While they can attract customers and drive sales, they can also eat into your margins if not handled strategically. The key is to use them smartly to increase your AOV without eroding profitability.

Tiered Discounts

One effective strategy is to create tiered discounts, where customers get a bigger discount the more they spend.

For instance, you might offer 10% off on orders above ₹2,000 and 20% off on orders above ₹5,000. This incentivizes customers to spend more to reach the next discount tier, effectively boosting your AOV.

Limited-Time Offers

Limited-time offers can also create a sense of urgency, encouraging customers to make quick decisions.

Flash sales or exclusive weekend deals can push customers to buy more during a specific period, increasing both the volume and value of their orders.

The trick is to make these promotions feel special and time-sensitive, so customers don’t want to miss out.

Promotional Psychology

Understanding the psychology behind promotions is crucial. Customers often perceive bundled discounts or free shipping offers as more valuable than straightforward price cuts.

By structuring your promotions around these insights, you can drive higher AOV while still offering something that feels like a great deal to your customers.

7. Improving Your Upsell and Cross-Sell Tactics


Upselling is all about encouraging customers to purchase a more expensive version of the product they’re already considering.

This can be as simple as suggesting a higher-end model or an additional warranty during checkout.

For example, if a customer is buying a basic laptop, you might upsell them to a model with more features or a longer battery life. The key is to clearly highlight the added value, so the customer sees the benefit of spending a bit more.


Cross-selling, on the other hand, involves recommending products that complement the customer’s original purchase.

Think of it as offering fries with a burger. If someone is buying a camera, suggesting a memory card or a camera bag is a natural fit.

Effective cross-sells are relevant and enhance the customer’s overall experience with their initial purchase.

Timing and Relevance

Timing is crucial for both upsells and cross-sells. Offering these options at the right moment—like during checkout or when a customer is viewing their cart—can significantly boost your AOV.

Relevance is equally important; your suggestions need to feel like natural extensions of the customer’s choice, not random add-ons.

Personalizing these offers based on browsing history or past purchases can make them even more compelling.

Sales Training

If you run a physical store or have a sales team, training them on upsell and cross-sell techniques is essential. They should be able to identify opportunities and subtly guide customers towards higher-value options without being pushy.

A well-trained sales team can turn a simple purchase into a much larger one, significantly impacting your AOV.

8. Enhancing Customer Loyalty Programs

Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty programs are a fantastic way to increase AOV by encouraging repeat purchases and higher spending. A well-designed loyalty program rewards customers for spending more, which naturally boosts your AOV over time.

Exclusive Perks

One way to enhance your loyalty program is by offering exclusive perks to higher-spending customers.

For example, you could create tiers within your program, where customers who spend above a certain threshold get access to special discounts, early product releases, or free shipping.

These perks make customers feel valued and give them a reason to spend more to reach the next level.

Tiered Programs

Tiered loyalty programs are particularly effective. By creating different levels (e.g., Bronze, Silver, Gold), you can incentivize customers to spend more to unlock better rewards.

Each tier should offer increasingly attractive benefits, such as higher discount rates, VIP customer service, or even personalized offers.

This approach not only increases AOV but also fosters deeper customer loyalty.

Driving Repeat Purchases

Finally, use your loyalty program to drive repeat purchases. Send out reminders about unused points or rewards, and offer double points during specific periods to encourage more frequent shopping.

By keeping customers engaged with your program, you’re not only increasing their lifetime value but also steadily boosting your AOV.

9. Refining Your Marketing Messaging

Marketing Messaging

The way you communicate with your customers plays a significant role in influencing their spending behavior. By refining your marketing messaging, you can shift the focus from just price to value, which can drive up your AOV.

Value Over Price

When crafting your marketing messages, emphasize the value customers will get from their purchases rather than just the price. Highlighting the benefits, quality, and long-term advantages of your products can justify a higher spend.

For instance, instead of promoting a product as affordable, position it as the best investment for your health or a premium experience that lasts.

Premium Positioning

Positioning your products as premium options can also increase AOV. Use your messaging to convey exclusivity, superior quality, or unique features that set your products apart from cheaper alternatives.

Premium positioning attracts customers who are willing to pay more for a perceived higher value, thereby increasing your average order value.

Social Proof

Incorporating social proof into your marketing can also encourage higher spending. Testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content showcasing satisfied customers are also helpful.

Together, they can reassure potential buyers that spending more is worth it.

For example, highlighting how others have benefited from purchasing a higher-tier product. Now, that can persuade new customers to follow suit.

10. Utilizing Post-Purchase Funnels

Post-Purchase Funnels

The customer journey doesn’t end once they click buy. In fact, the post-purchase phase is a golden opportunity to further increase your AOV.

You do so by encouraging repeat purchases and upsells. Post-purchase funnels are sequences of follow-up actions designed to keep customers engaged. They also prompt them to buy more.

Repeat Purchases

One of the most effective strategies is to encourage repeat purchases. You do so through personalized follow-ups. After a customer makes a purchase, send them a thank-you email.

Populate this email with suggestions for complementary products based on what they bought.

For example, if someone buys a laptop, you could follow up with a discount on accessories like a mouse or laptop bag. This will entice them to return to your store.

Post-Purchase Upsells

Post-purchase upsells are another powerful tactic. Offer a time-limited deal on a related product immediately after the purchase, either on the thank-you page or in a follow-up email.

This could be an extended warranty, an accessory, or even a subscription service. By presenting these offers when the customer is still in a buying mindset, you can significantly boost your AOV.

Subscription Models

Implementing subscription models is also a great way to capitalize on the post-purchase phase.

If your products lend themselves to regular use, offer customers the option to subscribe for automatic refills or regular deliveries at a slight discount.

Subscriptions not only increase AOV but also improve customer retention.

They do so by ensuring that they continue to purchase from you over time.

11. Reducing Friction in the Checkout Process

Smooth Checkout Process

A smooth checkout process is critical for maximizing AOV. If customers encounter too much friction—like slow loading times, complicated forms, or limited payment options—they’re likely to abandon their carts. They might also opt for a smaller purchase just to get through the process quicker.

Streamlining Checkout

Streamlining the checkout process is essential. Make sure your website is fast, mobile-friendly, and easy to navigate.

The fewer clicks it takes to complete a purchase, the better.

Consider implementing one-click checkout options. Such a process can be applied especially to returning customers. This will reduce the effort required to finalize a purchase.

Multiple Payment Options

Offering multiple payment options is another way to reduce friction.

Some customers prefer using credit cards, while others might opt for digital wallets like Paytm or UPI.

By accommodating different payment preferences, you make it easier for customers to complete their purchases, potentially leading to higher AOV.

Shipping and Return Policies

Your shipping and return policies also play a role in the checkout experience. Offering free or flat-rate shipping can encourage customers to add more items to their cart to reach a certain threshold.

Additionally, having a hassle-free return policy reassures customers, making them more comfortable with spending more, as they know they can return items if needed.

12. Testing and Iterating on Your AOV Strategies

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a must when it comes to refining your AOV strategies. A/B testing lets you compare different approaches to increase AOV. It helps you test different product bundles, pricing models, and checkout processes.

Analyzing Results

Once you've run your tests, it's crucial to analyze the results thoroughly. Look at key metrics like conversion rates, average order value, and customer satisfaction.

They will help you understand the impact of your changes.

Did a new upsell offer boost AOV but reduce overall conversion rates?

These insights will guide your next steps.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement should be your mantra. The market, customer preferences, and competitive landscape are always changing. So, your AOV strategies should evolve too. Regularly revisit your data, test new ideas, and adjust your tactics to stay ahead of the curve. Collecting customer feedback can also provide valuable insights. Especially into areas where you can further optimize your approach.

Customer Feedback

Don’t underestimate the power of customer feedback. Engaging directly with your customers through surveys, reviews, or direct interactions can reveal pain points or desires that aren’t immediately obvious from data alone.

This qualitative input can inspire new AOV-boosting strategies that are more aligned with customer expectations.

13. Measuring the Long-Term Impact of AOV Strategies

Long-Term Impact

After implementing your AOV strategies, it’s crucial to measure their long-term impact.

Short-term boosts are great, but sustainable growth in AOV is what truly drives your business forward.

Understanding the lasting effects of your efforts helps you refine and optimize your approach over time.

ROI of AOV Initiatives

One key aspect to evaluate is the return on investment (ROI) of your AOV initiatives. Calculate how much additional revenue your strategies have generated relative to the costs of implementing them.

For instance, if introducing a new loyalty program led to a 15% increase in AOV but cost ₹50,000 to set up, did the revenue increase outweigh the investment? Regularly tracking this ROI ensures that your AOV strategies are financially viable.

Tracking AOV Changes

Consistent tracking of AOV changes over time is essential. Use your e-commerce platform's analytics tools to monitor AOV monthly, quarterly, and yearly.

Look for trends—did a specific strategy lead to a spike in AOV? Are there periods where AOV consistently dips?

Understanding these patterns can help you adjust your strategies proactively.

Linking AOV to Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

Finally, link your AOV strategies to overall customer lifetime value (CLTV). CLTV measures the total revenue you can expect from a customer over their entire relationship with your business.

Higher AOV often correlates with increased CLTV, meaning that customers who spend more per order are likely to be more valuable in the long run.

By improving AOV, you're not just boosting immediate revenue but also enhancing the long-term profitability of your customer base.

14. Case Studies Of Startups That Successfully Increased AOV

Case Studies

Learning from others' success stories can provide valuable insights and inspiration. Let's look at a few startups, particularly in the Indian market, that have successfully increased their AOV and the strategies they used.

Indian Startups

One example is Myntra, a leading online fashion retailer in India. Myntra increased its AOV by introducing personalized product recommendations and bundling offers during checkout.

By analyzing customer behavior and suggesting relevant products, Myntra was able to encourage customers to add more items to their carts, driving up the average order value. You can read more about this on Vumonic.

What They Did Right

Another example is Zomato, a food delivery giant that enhanced its AOV by offering subscription models like Zomato Gold, which provided free deliveries and discounts on large orders.

By creating a sense of exclusivity and value, Zomato encouraged customers to spend more on each order, thus increasing the AOV. You can read more in detail about this case study here.

These startups did a few things right: they understood their customers’ needs, personalized their offerings, and continually tested and refined their strategies. They didn’t rely on one tactic but used a combination of methods to achieve a sustainable increase in AOV.

Common Pitfalls

However, it’s important to be aware of common pitfalls. For instance, overly aggressive upselling or frequent discounts can erode customer trust and margins.

Some startups make the mistake of pushing too hard, leading to short-term gains but long-term customer churn. Learning from these case studies can help you avoid such mistakes and apply strategies that fit your unique business model.

15. Planning for Sustainable AOV Growth

Sustainable Growth

The final piece of the puzzle is ensuring that your AOV growth strategies are sustainable.

It’s tempting to push for quick wins, but sustainable growth means balancing short-term gains with long-term stability. This involves continuously refining your approach and adapting to changes in the market and customer behavior.

Scaling AOV Strategies

As your startup grows, scaling your AOV strategies becomes crucial. What worked when you had 1,000 customers might not be as effective when you have 100,000.

This means revisiting your tactics and adjusting them to fit the new scale of your operations.

For example, personalized upselling might become more automated as your customer base expands, or your bundling offers might need to be more dynamic and responsive to market trends.

Customer Satisfaction

A key element of sustainable AOV growth is ensuring that your strategies don’t compromise customer satisfaction.

Happy customers are more likely to return, spend more, and refer others, which naturally boosts your AOV over time.

Keep an eye on customer feedback and satisfaction scores, and be ready to adjust your strategies if they start to negatively impact the customer experience.

Long-Term Vision

Finally, maintain a long-term vision. AOV is just one part of your overall business strategy.

Align your AOV goals with broader objectives like brand building, market expansion, and customer loyalty.

By doing so, you ensure that your efforts to increase AOV contribute to the overall health and growth of your startup, setting you up for long-term success.

AOV Strategies are Important

Boosting your Average Order Value (AOV) isn't just a short-term tactic. It's a strategy for long-term growth for your startup.

By understanding your customers, personalizing their shopping experience, and continually refining your strategies, you can steadily increase your AOV and, consequently, your revenue.

Sustainable success requires balance. You must boost AOV while keeping customers happy and aligning your strategies with your business goals. As you apply the techniques we've discussed, remember this.

Each step is a building block towards a more profitable, resilient business. This includes effective upselling, cross-selling, and using post-purchase funnels.

The journey to increasing AOV is ongoing. But, with the right strategies, you can do more than boost today's sales. You can build a stronger, more prosperous future for your startup. Keep testing, keep improving, and watch as those order values—and your bottom line—start to climb.

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